Online Calendar with VetSCOPE and Vetstoria


Clients can now make their own appointments through your website. Appointments made this way will appear instantly in the VetSCOPE Calendar. Clients can book appointments even when the practice is closed without picking up the phone freeing up valuable reception time.

Online Calendar with VetSCOPE and Vetstoria2023-11-01T10:29:37+00:00



The Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine (DAFM) is currently in the process of rolling out the National Veterinary Prescribing System (NVPS), a significant development in the veterinary field. This system is set to become mandatory on the 13th of January 2025. VetSCOPE is actively engaged in the implementation of the NVPS within its system, with a strong emphasis on ensuring a seamless transition for its users and minimizing disruption to their everyday prescribing practices.


VetSCOPE Version 14 has been upgraded


VetSCOPE’s latest update to Version 14 has arrived and users can upgrade today. The most up-to-date version of VetSCOPE has been designed to maximise productivity and uses the latest technologies to help you efficiently and effectively manage your practice.

VetSCOPE Version 14 has been upgraded2022-04-06T15:01:53+00:00



On May 25, 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a piece of EU-wide legislation, came into effect. GDPR requires additional safeguards around disclosure and consent regarding your personal information that we use.

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