Benefits for equine practices

For situations where an animal is owned by a syndicate it is often necessary to divide the bill depending on each owners’ percentage and then bill each owner separately. VetSCOPE can take the pain out of this by automatically creating an itemised bill for each owner which reflects their percentage share. Owner percentages can also be changed retrospectively, should the need arise.

Creating and maintaining a comprehensive clinical case history is easy as each and every appointment with a horse can be recorded with VetSCOPE. For each visit you can record haematology and biochemistry readings, store x-rays, voice notes, movie clips, documents and write a comprehensive report using built-in abbreviation settings. If you don’t have time to enter clinical information you can just record the billing information.

Filling out horse registration certificates used to be difficult before VetSCOPE. Now, all you have to do is call up a new one on screen, enter the horse’s details and print. The front and back of each form is included and can be printed on separate sheets or back to back, depending on preference.

Our system lets you print comprehensive statements by animal, making VetSCOPE invaluable for stud farm work. Alternative statement types are also available as standard. Statements created using the system detail line items for each docket and provide a running balance throughout, making it easy to understand and reducing client queries.

All bills and payments automatically integrate with the included accounting module in VetSCOPE. The accounting module includes full sales ledger, purchase ledger, nominal ledger, banking and stock control.

If you are converting from a card based system VetSCOPE will undoubtedly make your practice more efficient. If you are converting from a computer based system then let us transfer the data for you. We have successfully converted over 200 practices from other computer systems to VetSCOPE where they are enjoying the benefits our unique system has to offer.

- Integrated accounts system
- Sales, purchase, nominal ledger and cash and bank
- Comprehensive price list
- Report by veterinary surgeon
- VAT accounting
- Appointment system
- SMS text facility
- Customer relationship marketing (CRM)
- Fully searchable database design
- Fully networkable
- Windows, Mac, iPhone and iPad compatible
“We were pleasantly surprised to find a system as comprehensive as VetSCOPE which is designed with specific equine features and is manufactured and supported right here in Ireland. It has exceeded our expectations.”
“I have no problem recommending both the VetSCOPE software and, almost as important, the VetSCOPE staff. We find that no matter how many questions we put to them or how often we may ask the same question, they are patient, friendly and well informed.”