What is NVPS?

The DAFM (Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine) intend to introduce NVPS (the National Veterinary Prescription System) on January 13th 2025.

It will require the mandatory use of the NVPS for all prescribing and dispensing of Prescription Only Medicine (POM) for food producing animals and all horses. 

NVPS is replacing the current prescription system – moving away from paper. 

How will VetSCOPE help you comply?

VetSCOPE will provide a seamless way to help your practice comply with the new regulations.  

As you invoice and prescribe for your customers using VetSCOPE, either on a VetSCOPE App or on your desktop, the POM information is saved in VetSCOPE and will sychronise with the NVPS system.

Advantages of Using VetSCOPE for NVPS

  • VetSCOPE is fully approved by the DAFM for NVPS
  • Helps you comply with regulations
  • Use a familiar interface
  • Has pre-populated data for speed of prescribing and dispensing
  • Data entered is used for billing, no double entry
  • Software already has all clients, prices and vet details pre-stored
  • Works in any location – 4g/5g NOT required
  • As you invoice, POM and billing information is saved and ready for synchronisation with VetSCOPE Office and NVPS
  • Helps with stock control
  • Captures data at source for more efficient billing

Using the VetSCOPE App on farm,
no internet connection required

Be Prepared

To ensure a smooth transition to the National Veterinary Prescribing System (NVPS) within VetSCOPE, it is advisable to take the following steps in advance.

  1. Reviewing and verifying the Veterinary Product Authorisation (VPA) numbers associated with medications that require prescriptions is a crucial part of this preparation.
  2. Ensure herd numbers are present and correct for each farm client
  3. Enter the VCI code for each Veterinary Surgeon in the staff details along with their email address and mobile number

1. Entering and checking the VPA

Step 1: Access Menu/Prices/Codes

  1. Open VetSCOPE and navigate to the “Menu” section.
  2. Choose “Prices/Codes” from the available options.

Step 2: Locate Your Prescription Item

  1. Within the list of prescription items, find the specific medication or product for which you need to verify the VPA number.
  2. Click on the item to drill down into the “Price and Stock Details” screen (see below).

Step 3: Confirm the VPA Number

The correct format for the Veterinary Product Authorisation (VPA) number is essential and is as follows: VPAxxxxx/xxx/xxx

This format consists of three segments:

  • “VPA” followed by 5 numeric digits,
  • Then a forward slash (/),
  • Followed by 3 numeric digits,
  • Another forward slash (/),
  • And finally, 3 more numeric digits.

Important Note: Leading zeros are a critical component of the VPA format and must be included. For example:

  • Correct VPA Format: VPA10826/024/001

By confirming and, if necessary, updating the VPA numbers for medications in this prescribed format, you’ll be better prepared for the implementation of NVPS in VetSCOPE. This proactive approach will help ensure the accurate and compliant management of prescriptions as the new system is integrated into your workflow.

2. Ensure herd or premises number is present and correct

  1. From the VetSCOPE Main Menu select Clients/Suppliers button
  2. Navigate through your farm clients and ensure the herd or premises number is correct as in the field highlighted

3. Enter VCI code, email address and mobile number for each Veterinary Surgeon

  1. From the VetSCOPE Main Menu Select Staff
  2. Enter the details for VCI, email address and mobile for each Veterinary Surgeon

Finally for more details on NVPS and to register for the process, please click on the links below.

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