VetSCOPE software was established in 1997 with the goal of becoming market leaders in practice management and accounting solutions for veterinary professionals. We have users throughout Ireland, the UK and the USA, and we provide solutions for the University Teaching Hospital, based in University College Dublin.

An Irish company, we are owned and operated wholly by Lawler Developments Limited. Our software has been designed to provide the very best experience for companion animal, farm animal and equine practices and boasts a unique, integrated accounts module.

Over the years VetSCOPE has worked tirelessly to provide our clients with innovative and practical solutions. Our product line includes VetSCOPE Pro which is suitable for use by any veterinary practice, and VetSCOPE Lite which works as an introduction to the full system. VetSCOPE Universal has been developed for veterinary university teaching hospitals, the VetSCOPE App for field work and PIP for linking to wholesalers and much more.

VetSCOPE is the leading provider of practice management software in Ireland.

No matter what practice type or combination of practice types, VetSCOPE provides a comprehensive management solution which will help you to optimise the running of your busy veterinary practice.

VetSCOPE will more than likely run on your current hardware. See our hardware specifications in the support section for more information.

Training and support are key elements to the VetSCOPE product. Training hours are included in the initial purchase and further training is available on request.

Happy Users
ROI Market Share


We know that support is a vital element of any software solution. Let us help you navigate the complexity of running a busy practice with our dedicated support team who have years of experience in the veterinary market.


Talk to real people that understand the industry and how best to use VetSCOPE

Always There For You

Contact us now or book a demo to find out more


See how training can improve your business efficiency

Taking Care of Business

Click below to see what training courses are available in your area


Know that the might of Apple Inc. is behind our software

Built in security

Claris FileMaker is wholly owned by Apple Inc., California


VetSCOPE is a dynamic, successful and growing company. We recognise people are key to our success and we are always on the lookout for excellent and driven individuals to join our team.

We are currently recruiting for roles in sales and marketing, IT support and product development, and encourage expressions of interest from suitable candidates. Talent, enthusiasm, knowledge of the veterinary agricultural sector and IT skills are essential for those looking to work with VetSCOPE.

If you are interested in a career with us please send your details (in confidence) by clicking the button below.